Our olive groves

Our olive groves, viewed from afar, are an endless expanse of golden branches. We are in the hills around Porto Sant’Elpidio, one of the most precious and at the same time discreet and silent regions of central Italy, a crossroads of peoples and cultures, one glance toward the sea, one toward the hinterland. In this area, over the centuries, people have worked intensively, preferring discretion, concreteness and the desire to do well. Today, people still work in the same, identical way.

This is the crux of the matter. We are not going to invent a story that tells who we are. That story already exists. It is that of our rural Marche region made up of woods and fields, crafts and ancient olive presses, tree pruning and olive pressing, ravines of stone and gravel, dew-scented sunrises, medieval villages, unexplored corners, sandy beaches, bright seas, hills that conceal the gaze and open it to new horizons.

Here. This is our story.
We want to bring
our story to light.
Our “drupe” by exception:
the olive, our most precious treasure.

Our olive oil.

Golden color, light and harmonious paste on the palate, subtly fruity taste, sweet but with delicate notes of bitterness and spiciness, these are the organoleptic qualities of our olive oil, the result of olive milling tradition that we wanted to rediscover and bring into dialogue with state-of-the-art pressing technology. This is how we thought of our oil: as a return to the origins of the centuries-old agricultural culture of the Marche region, a connection with the land and with everything that is transformed into something new.

Cooking, of course.
But also preserving food.
Taking care of one’s body.
Illuminating the nights.
Paying homage to the gods.

The uses of olive oil were, and are, endless. For as long as the world has existed.
For since antiquity the olive tree has been a symbol of civilization, of sharing, of relationship.
Between living beings, but also with the divine, with all that is natural and at the same time spiritual.

Simply, in this oil we have squeezed the love for our land and its beauty.
And love for nature and its ability to always show us the way home.

Nutritional Values
for 100 ml of product

Energy ValueKj 3450 / Kcal 824
Total Fat91,6 g
Saturated Fat13 g
Total Carbohydrates0 g
Sugar0 g
Protein0 g
Salt0 g